ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council)

Publications and Downloads

Journal articles

Cockings S, Harfoot A, and Hornby D (2009) 'Towards 2011 output geographies: Exploring the need for, and challenges involved in, maintenance of the 2001 output geographies' Population Trends, 138, 38-49. doi:10.1057/pt.2009.46

> This article outlines the need for maintenance of the 2001 Census output geographies by exploring the estimated magnitude and spatial distribution of population change in England and Wales since the 2001 Census.

Cockings S, Harfoot A, Martin D and Hornby D (2011) 'Maintaining existing zoning systems using automated zone design techniques: methods for creating the 2011 Census output geographies for England and Wales', Environment and Planning A 43(10) 2399 – 2418. doi:10.1068/a43601

> This article develops a generic method for maintaining existing zoning systems using automated zone design techniques.  It applies and evaluates the use of these techniques for maintaining the 2001 Census output geographies in order to create the 2011 geographies for England and Wales.

Cockings S, Harfoot A, Martin D and Hornby D (2013) 'Getting the foundations right: spatial building blocks for official population statistics' Environment and Planning A 45(6) 1403-1420 doi:10.1068/a45276

> This article discusses the issues involved in creating building blocks for the publication of official population statistics.  It reviews current international practice in building block design and then evaluates the usefulness of two sets of building blocks (postcodes and street blocks) for the design of 2011 Census output areas in England and Wales.

Martin D, Cockings S and Harfoot A (2013) 'Development of a Geographical Framework for Census Workplace Data', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A 176(2) 585-602 doi:10.1111/j.1467-985X.2012.01054.x

> This article discusses the issues surrounding the publication of workplace statistics on residence-based geographies.  It then develops a generic framework for creating workplace-based geographies and demonstrates its implementation by creating a set of prototype workplace zones for selected study areas in England and Wales.


Software (AZTool)

The latest version of AZTool can be download from here.  The software is freely available but is offered on an as-is basis with no formal support.  Please read the papers and instructions cited on the AZTool website before you donwload and use the tool with your own data.  Appropriate citations and acknowledgements are suggested on the site.



Cockings S and Harfoot A (2010) 'Executive Summary and Recommendations' Unpublished report. University of Southampton.

> This document summarises the key findings from the project.  It also identifies the key decisions required by ONS and the project's recommendations.

Cockings S and Harfoot A (2010) ‘Evaluation of automated maintenance procedures. Unpublished report.  University of Southampton.

> This report presents the full findings from the evaluation stage of the project.

Harfoot A, Cockings S and Hornby D (2010) 'Technical Summary: 2001 Output Area Production System (OAPS) methodology' Unpublished report. University of Southampton. 

> This report summarises the methods employed by ONS in the creation of the 2001 Census output areas.


Conference papers and presentations

Cockings S, Harfoot A, Hornby D ‘Towards 2011 output geographies: Adapting and evaluating automated zone design methods for maintaining the 2001 output geographies ESRC Census Development Programme, 2011 Census research: new data, linkage and outputs, Royal Statistical Society, London, 13 May 2009.

Cockings S, Harfoot A and Hornby D 'Census2011Geog: Developing automated maintenance methods for creating the 2011 Census output geographies in England & Wales', British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference, University of Sussex, 9-11 September 2009.

Cockings S, Harfoot A and Hornby D 'Exploring the need for maintenance of the 2001 output geographies in order to create the 2011 output geographies for England and Wales', Joint UN-ECE/Eurostat Group of Experts on Population and Housing Censuses, 13th Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 7-9 July 2010.

Cockings S 'Census 2011 and beyond: output geographies and related geographic issues'. Invited presentation at BURISA Annual Conference, London, 13 May 2011. 

Cockings S, Martin D, Harfoot A, Hornby D (2011) 'Maintenance of the 2001 output geographies and the creation of Workplace Zones'.  2011 Census: Impact and Potential, ESRC Census Programme with the Royal Statistical Society Census Study Group, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 7-8 July 2011.  

Seminars and workshops

Cockings S. ‘Census2011Geog: Developing automated maintenance methods for creating the 2011 Census output geographies in England & Wales. ESRC Census Workshop: Combining and mapping Census, postcode and other geographical data, University of Stirling, 8 May 2009

Cockings S 'Automated zone design: concepts, methods, applications'Seminar at Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, Australia, 7 March 2011.

Cockings S 'Automated zone design: concepts, methods, applications'Seminar at Statistics New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand, 8 April 2011.

ONS events and documents

ONS have referred to or used Census2011Geog results or material in the following events or documents:

Tait A 'Geographic referencing for National Statistics and 2011 Census',  BURISA Annual Conference, Royal Society, London, 14 May 2009. 

Tait A 'Addresses and output geographies for the 2011 Census', Association for Geographic Information Annual Conference, Stratford-upon-Avon, 23-24 September 2009. 

Office for National Statistics '2011 Census Roadshows', held in London, Cardiff, Gateshead, Manchester and Leicester, October 2009.

Office for National Statistics '2011 Census Statistical Geographies: 2011 Census Roadshows', held in Leeds, Chester, Birmingham, London and Newport, February 2011.

Office for National Statistics '2011 Census Geography Outputs Consultation', 2 February - 29 April 2011. 

Office for National Statistics '2011 Census Dissemination Workshop', City Hall, London, 16 May 2011.